Combinatorial Classes

There are a lot of design issues which concern combinatorial classes. I'd like to discuss them here. The following are mostly notes from discussion with Nicolas. Once fixed, this material should end up in the doc of CombinatorialClass (I volunteer for this -Florent). Please add comments anywhere.

IMPORTANT NOTE : most of this content is outdated see here

The decision was the following:

Rename combinatorial class enumerated set and to make them parents as any sage sets. As any sage parent they must belongs to a category. Here is the current status:

Any set of combinatorial objects should be a parent in either category FiniteEnumeratedSets() or InfiniteEnumeratedSets() or even EnumeratedSet() if the cardinality is unknown. The code for these categories seems to be stable and moreover, there are examples showing how to write such a parent (please see FiniteEnumeratedSets().example() and InfiniteEnumeratedSets().example() from sage) or the respective files in sage/categories/examples. You also may want to have a look at the category Sets() associated to the files for the problem of constructing elements in a parent.

On the other hand, concerning the infrastructure a final step is currently done by allowing categories to work with Cython/extension types (see trac #7921). So there shouldn't be any infrastructure problem.

I'm (Florent) currently working on adapting the combinatorial code to this design. But this is still in progress. The plan is to have trees and binary trees in sage as soon as possible and then to rework permutations, partitions ...

Kept for reference

Foreword (Teminology)

I need to fix some terminology. Maybe the name combinatorial class is bad in the context of object oriented programming. Should we call these "combinatorial set" ? Anyway, in the following when there is ambiguity I write OOClass and CClass.


We should agree on a overall structure of the main doc page of a CClass and write a template. I put here a stub for this. Before expanding it we should wait for the transition latex -> ReST.

    My Favorite Combinatorial Class


Interface and basic usage

The name of the OOClasses involved in building a CClass should be uniform : let's take the example of permutations

The following functions are standard and should be documented/publicized for all CClass:

The following function should be written but are not supposed to be called directly by the user:

== Sets with several natural enumerations

An enumerated set has, by definition, a single canonical enumeration, to which list/iter/rank/unrank should all adhere to. To implement several enumerations on the same set, one should construct as many enumerated sets.

sage: C = Combinations(range(6),3, enumerated_by='ChaseGrayCode')
sage: for c in C:

As a sugar for the user, one may also want to allow for:


which returns the same enumerated set as Combinations(..., enumerated_by = 'lex')

To be discussed: any better suggestion for the keyword name? enumeration? ordered_by?


The goal here is to be able to inherit smoothly from a combinatorial class to add extra mathematical structure (eg Poset, Group, Monoid).

(I agree strongly with the first point. I don't understand the second point. Could you give an example or describe this more precisely? -jbandlow

Yes ! see up there -Florent)


When two combinatorial classes As and Bs with object a and b from OOclass A and B are in bijection, there are several possibilities:

We probably should not try to impose too strong a choice, since depending on the context some possibilities are much more natural than others. For example, if A is very standard and B is very exotic, the most natural is to use b.to_A() and B.from_A(a).

At the moment, I (NT) would recommend implementing whichever of a.to_B(), B.from_A(a), or Bs.from_A(a) feels more natural and practical code wise. Possibly with aliases like B.from_A(a) calling a.to_B(), or B(a) calling B.from_A(a) for the most common use cases.

Also, I would recommend keeping the init() as concise as possible. Ideally, they would just handle basic construction of objects from simple input, and possibly some dispatching logic. All the rest should be delegated to the .from_ and .to_.

Then, when we will have more experience, we should investigate further the more advanced options which are discussed below.

Toward a bijection framework?

(It might be cool to have some generic intelligence here. Suppose I add the new CClass C to sage and implement C._to(A,c). Then I would like it if when I call either,c) or A.from(C,c), sage automatically tries both (if necessary) of A._from(C,c) and C._to(A,c). In other words, CombinatorialClass itself could have a method like:

def to(self, class, element):
    return self._to(class, element)
    return class._from(self, element)

And similar for from(). Thoughts? -jbandlow)

I like this idea of generic intelligence which looks both at the domain and the image set. However, it it not clear for me if we prefer to write,c) than, c) (remember C and A is the OOClass of a and c whereas Cs and As are combinatorial classes. Bijection acts on objects but are beetween combinatorial classes. So I seems to be in favor of,c) - Florent +1 (NT); and also, to get the bijection itself.

Further comments about jbandlow suggestion:

Further comments ?

Combinatorial Class Factory

The goal here is to make it simple to make a subclass of a combinatorial class by adding some constraints. For example if p4=Permutations(4). The user may want to get the subclass of p4 of permutations of length say 5. So

Probably because we can't do that automatically. How do you choose from which class you filter in horrible things such as

Permutations().with_constraint(descents=[3,5], shape=[4,3,1,1], length=7)

As suggested by Nicolas, we can do that if there is a syntax for the user to tell what is the base class and what is the filter condition. - Florent)

(By the way, I *really* like the idea of Factories in general. -jbandlow)

Here is the copy paste of an old mail from Nicolas which was buried.

> Factories of combinatorial classes:
> There are three levels:
> (a) Combinatorial class factories, like:
>     Permutations
> (b) Combinatorial classes, with list/count operations:
>     Permutations(4): models the combinatorial class of permutations of size 4
>     Permutations(4, descents = [2,1])
>     Permutations(4, greater_than = [3,1,2])
>     Permutations(bruhat_smaller=[3,1,2])
>     Permutations(left_bruhat_smaller=[3,1,2])
>     Permutations(4, left_bruhat_smaller=[3,1,2]): should raise an exception
>     Those are objects which may be an instance of many classes:
>      - Permutations_of_size
>      - Permutations_from_descents
>      - Permutations_lower_ideal_left_weak_order
>     Those classes are implementation details, and need not be known by the user
> (c) Data structures for combinatorial objects
>     class Permutation, class PermutationArray, class PermutationCycle
>     Those classes are mostly implementation details
>     They define the data structure and algorithms
> (d) Combinatorial objects:
>     Permutation([1,3,2])
>     One can always use a combinatorial class CC as constructor; in
>     that case, the result c is always an element of CC (i.e. c.parent() = CC)
>     Example:
>      - Permutation([1,2,3]) creates one permutation in Permutations()
>      - Permutations(4)([1,2,3,4]) also creates one permutation but this time in Permutations(4)
>     This might even be the recommended way.
> More involved example: tableaux
> (a) The Tableaux factory:
>     def Tableaux (# size options; only one can be specified?
>                   size=:, shape
>                   # content options; only one can be specified
>                 # standard = True if none is specified?
>                   standard, alphabet, evaluation, content
>                 young=True,
>                 constructor)
>     Maybe some aliases:
>      - def StandardYoungTableaux(*): Tableaux(*,standard=True, parent = StandardYoungTableaux())
>      - def SemiStandardYoungTableaux(*): Tableaux(*, parent = StandardYoungTableaux())
> (b) Tableaux(4):          standard young tableaux of size 4
>     Tableaux(shape=[4,1]) standard young tableaux of shape [4,1]
>     Tableaux(shape=[4,1], evaluation=[3,2])
>     Tableaux(shape=[4,1], alphabet=[1,2,4]) : semi standard young tableaux (obtained by crystal operations)
>     The default parent for the generated tableaux, depends on the young and standard options:
>      - Tableaux(standard = True, Young = True)
>      - Tableaux(standard=False, Young = True)
>      - Tableaux(standard=False, Young = True)
> (c) Data structures for combinatorial objects
>     Again, those classes are mostly implementation details
>     They define the data structure and algorithms (e.g. RSK will be in YoungTableau)
>     There may be more than one Tableau data structure (by rows, by
>     columns) in which case Tableau is a common abstract class.
> (d) Combinatorial objects:
>     Tableau([[2,3],[1,2]])
>     StandardTableau([[4,3],[1,2]])
>     StandardYoungTableau([[3,4],[1,2]])
>     One can always use a combinatorial class as constructor; this
>     might even be the recommended way:
>     Tableaux([[2,3],[1,2]])
> Different data structures and fundamental algorithms for combinatorial objects:
>  - Tableau(LabelledObject)
>    Indexation choice: t[row,col] with indexing 0 based and longest row first
>  - from Tableau derives:
>     class YoungTableau(Tableau):          implements e.g. RSK
>     class StandardTableau(Tableau)
>     class StandardYoungTableaux(YoungTableau,StandardTableau)
>  - SkewTableau(LabelledObject)       (LabelledObject)
>  - class AbstractTree(AbstractDigraph)
>    Defines precisely the syntax for constructors
>  - class MyTree(AbstractTree)
> ##############################################################################
> Factories, subfactories and subclasses
>  - Consider a factory and a combinatorial class C=Factory(constraints)
>    Then C.sub_class(extra_contraints) is the sub class of C satisfying
>    simultaneously the constraints for C (including the default ones)
>    and the extra_constraints. In practice, this will be constructed by
>    calling the factory with all the constraints set.
>    Consider for example the Tableaux factory (recall that the options
>    standard and evaluation are mutually incompatible)
>    Then, C = Tableaux() models the set of standard tableaux. It is
>    equivalent to C=Tableaux(standard=True).
>    Now, C.sub_class(evaluation=[3,2]) is *not* Tableaux(evaluation=[3,2])
>    but rather Tableaux(standard=True, evaluation=[3,2]) which should
>    trigger an error.
> ##############################################################################
> Factories as databases of algorithms
>    The Tableaux factory will typically be implemented using a database like:
>     {
>       { standard=True, n:     "*"} : StandardTableauxBySize
>       { standard=True, shape: "*"} : StandardTableauxByShape
>       { alphabet: "*", shape: "*"} : SemiStandardTableauxByShapeAndAlphabetCrystal
>     }
>    This allows for two nice features 
>     - A posteriori extensions of the database by pluging in new algorithm
>     - Construction of partially specialized subfactory with
>       Tableaux.subfactory(shape="*", alphabet="*")
>       to bypass the option checking for those case speed is at a premium
>    Questions:
>     - in some cases, we may want to split between the different cases
>       differently for counting and listing. Should we support this?
>     - does it make sense to define StandardTableaux as
>       StandardTableaux = Tableaux.sub_factory(standard=True)
> CC = CombinatorialClass
> To create the combinatorial classes:
> for x in Tableaux(3):
>     ...
> Comp = Compositions()
> Compositions(4)              : CC of elements of Compositions()
> Compositions(4, parent=Compositions(4)) : CC of elements of Compositions(4)
> Trees(4, constructor=MyTree) : CC of instances of my_data_structure
> Comp.sub_class(4)            : returns Compositions(4)
> Comp([3,1,2])                : returns the element [3,1,2] of Comp
> Arrangements()
> Permutations(4)([1,3,2,4]) : returns an element of Permutations(4)
> In general if C is a combinatorial class C(...) returns an element of C
> (Example C=Trees(4))