= Sage Developer Center = Welcome to the Sage developer center! Note: Developers should check https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues?q=is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+ at least one per week. That's where development actually happens. TODO: Organize, sage-devel. * [[faq | Sage FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions]] * [[Tips]] * [[data | Put (links to) interesting data you compute using Sage here]] * [[pics | Code to make cool images]] * [[plot | Sage plotting]] * [[art | Art - posters, banners, etc]] * [[interact | Interact Demos]] * [[http://tug.ctan.org/pkg/sagetex | SageTeX - Put some sage into your TeX]] * [[standard_packages_available_for_SAGE | standard packages available for Sage]] * [[optional_packages_available_for_SAGE | optional packages available for Sage]] * [[experimental_packages_available_for_SAGE | experimental packages available for Sage]] * [[Sage_Spkg_Tracking | SPKG changelog and descriptions]] * [[OSCAS]] * [[SAGE_Reviews | Sage Reviews]] * [[Teaching_using_SAGE | Teaching using Sage]] * [[Teaching_with_SAGE | Teaching with Sage]] * [[DocumentationProject | Documentation Project]] * [[Comparisons]] * [[SAGE_in_the_News | Sage in the News]] * [[Publications_using_SAGE | Publications using Sage]] * [[Talks | Talks and Presentations about Sage]] * [[Software|Ideas for Software to Integrate With Sage]] * [[Software_that_may_be_useful]] * [[devel/ReleaseManagement|Release Management]] * [[SEP|Sage Enhancement Proposals]] * [[Software_surveys]] * [[debian|Sage in Debian]] * [[HowToBeginSageDevelopment|How to begin Sage development]] * [[combinat/HelpOnTheDoc|Docstring Docummentation]] for help on the format (ReSTructured text) used in the docstrings, including special Sage doctest conventions * [[JavascriptResources | JavaScript and related resources]] * [[PythonResources | Python and Cython resources]] * [[SageUsability | Sage Usability Improvements List]] * [[SageNotebook | Technical Overview of the Sage Notebook]] = Sage developer center = Welcome to the '''Sage developer center'''! This wiki page helps in organizing the development of Sage. Information and links to Sage development should be organized under "devel/". For answers to commonly asked questions, see the [[http://www.sagemath.org/doc/faq/ | FAQ]]. <> = Release management = Each release cycle of Sage is managed by at least one release manager. For example, a release manager produces the various alpha and rc releases for the `sage-x.y.z` release cycle. Release management is a complex task. The [[devel/ReleaseManagement | release management]] page contains a rough set of guidelines for Sage release management. If you want to help out with release management, please subscribe to the [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-release | sage-release]] mailing list. = Sage development = Much of the Sage library is written in Python. Some performance critical parts of the Sage library is written in Cython. Information is available to help [[devel/BeginSageDevelopment | beginners on developing]] the Sage library. Also consult the list of [[devel/PythonCythonResources | Python and Cython resources]] for beginner to advanced information on the Python and Cython languages. You can also do [[devel/FunctionalProgramming | functional programming with Python and Sage]]. * [[http://www.sagemath.org/doc/faq/faq-contribute.html | Frequently asked questions regarding Sage development]] ||<#FFFF66>Please write Python3-compatible code (see [[Python3-compatible code]])|| = Miscellaneous = * [[devel/SoftwareToIntegrate | Ideas for software to integrate with Sage]] * [[devel/UsefulSoftware | Software that may be useful]] * [[devel/SEP | Sage Enhancement Proposals]] * [[devel/SoftwareSurveys | Software surveys]] * [[devel/DebianSage | Sage in Debian]] * [[devel/SageTasks | Sage usability task list]] * [[devel/BuildFarm | Build farm]] * [[devel/LatexToWorksheet | Latex document conversion to Sage worksheets]] * [[SharingYourBranch | Sharing your branch of Sage development]] * [[prerequisitesUbuntu | List of Ubuntu packages required to build Sage]]