= Sage Days 18 Education Day Projects = == Fix Cayley Tables of Groups == People: ''Rob Beezer'' Cayley tables are broken for groups (its in Trac - Jason discovered the problem), seemingly far too complicated with calls to GAP, and it produces symbolic matrices (overkill?). See http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7340 I have working code for what I will probably call "operation tables." General enough they could be used for both addition and multiplication tables of a ring. Unfinished code is posted on Trac and maybe somebody would want to help/advise on what might be desired as I try to do this right. It'd motivate me to finish it. http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7555 So this is definitely a project that has education as its audience. Maybe Karl-Dieter has some symbolic/calculus/maxima projects that are worth tackling quickly?