Sage Days 74: Differential geometry and topology

Sage Days 74 will take place on May 30 - June 2, 2016 at the Workshop Center (CIAS) of Observatoire de Paris, located in Meudon, near Paris, France.


Registration is free and now open. Contact Eric ([email protected]) and Travis ([email protected]) to register.


TBA (see the list of speakers below)


Here is a list of possible projects. Feel free to add your own to the list.



We recommend to book a room in some hotel in Paris, in Montparnasse area (14th arrondissement). In particular, we recommend the

Other hotels are

If you prefer to stay in Meudon, at a walking distance (25 min) from the Workshop Center, see

For a larger choice, see this list of convenient hotels from LESIA/Observatoire de Paris.

NS: since May/June is a high touristic season in Paris, it is recommended to book a room as soon as possible!


Meudon is located at 10 min by train from Montparnasse station in Paris. A system of car shuttle will be organized from Meudon station to the workshop center (CIAS).

If you plan instead to come by your own, please follow these access instructions (click on the map to enlarge it; the CIAS is located in BAT. 9).

More details soon...


European participants from an OpenDreamKit node are expected to cover their expenses from their OpenDreamKit funds.



(* denotes confirmed)

