Sage Days 31: The Sage Notebook

June 13-17, 2011 at University of Washington in Seattle, in conjunction with Sage Education Days 3.



  1. Rob Beezer (University of Puget Sound)

  2. Davide P. Cervone (Union College, New York) -- author of jsmath and MathJax

  3. Bruce Cohen (Lowell High School, San Francisco)

  4. Karl-Dieter Crisman (Gordon College)

  5. Burcin Erocal (Singular Group, Kaiserslautern, Germany)
  6. Jonathan H. Gutow (Chemistry Department, UWOSH, Wisconsin)

  7. Jason Grout (Drake University)

  8. Ryan Grout (BYU, Utah)
  9. Mike Hansen (Berkeley)
  10. Keshav Kini (Singapore)
  11. Rado Kirov (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

  12. Sébastien Labbé (Montréal)
  13. John Palmieri (University of Washington)
  14. William Stein (University of Washington)

  15. Ian Stokes-Rees (Harvard Medical School)


