Sage Days 29 Coding Sprint Projects

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Below a list of proposed projects.

Bug Days Challenges

The sponsor of the bug-fixing days part of this workshop has the following high-priority challenges for us. It would be great if we could resolve them all.

PEOPLE: Maarten Derickx, William Stein

Binary quadratic forms

PEOPLE: Justin Walker

Number Theory/Elliptic Curves

PEOPLE: Justin Walker, Gagan Sekhon, William Stein, Rado Kirov, John Cremona, Aly Deines, Jen Balakrishnan, Jamie Weigandt


PEOPLE: Jamie Weigandt, Robert Miller, John Cremona, William Stein, Justin Walker

Convert GP scripts in data/extcode/pari to pari library interface

PEOPLE: John Cremona, William Stein, Jamie Weigandt

Exact and Double Dense (RDF/CDF) Linear Algebra

PEOPLE: Rob Beezer

Many patches needing review at

IPython activity

PEOPLE: Fernando Perez, Min Ragan-Kelley, Thomas Kluyver

matplotlib activity

PEOPLE: Michael Droettboom, Paul Ivanov

alt Team Scrappies in all their glory! alt The winning sheet