Differences between revisions 5 and 6
Revision 5 as of 2009-03-11 03:42:47
Size: 208
Editor: MikeStillman
Revision 6 as of 2009-03-11 03:45:50
Size: 598
Editor: MikeStillman
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 8: Line 8:

2. interact doesn't work well will Macaulay2, in a terminal window:

sage: m2 = Macaulay2()
sage: m2.interact()

  --> Switching to Macaulay2 <--
macaulay2: R = QQ[x,y]
   File "<ipython console>", line 3
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Some bugs involving the Macaulay2-sage interface

1. In a notebook, running sage, the following displays the tex source instead of the formatted tex.

    m = macaulay2('matrix {{1,2},{3,4}}')

2. interact doesn't work well will Macaulay2, in a terminal window:

sage: m2 = Macaulay2()
sage: m2.interact()

  --> Switching to Macaulay2 <-- 

macaulay2: R = QQ[x,y]

   File "<ipython console>", line 3
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

days14/projects/robust (last edited 2009-03-12 17:09:29 by MikeStillman)