= SageMath Wiki = This is a wiki for the [[https://www.sagemath.org|Sage - Mathematics Software System]] project. There are other [[ThingsCalledSage]]. If you want to '''edit the wiki''' or '''change your password''', do not hesitate to request an account by sending an email at wikisage@lma.metelu.net There is another [[https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki|Sage Wiki on GitHub]]. ||||<#F7819F>❤ || You can help by becoming a [[https://github.com/sponsors/sagemath|sponsor]]|| ||||<#74DF00>Information || Since version 9.0, Sage is using '''Python 3'''. See [[Python3-Switch]] for more information.|| <> = SageDays, Sage Workshops, other activities = <> == Past and future Workshops == * Upcoming Workshops <> * [[Workshops | All Workshops]], including past and future Sage Days, Bug Days, Doc Days, Review Days, Education Days, and some other Sage-related events. == Google Summer of Code == * [[GSoC|Google Summer of Code]] == Hosting a workshop == * [[HowToHostASageDays|How To Host A Sage Days]] --- Advice to future hosts * [[HowToSpreadSageDuringAWorkshop|How to Spread Sage During a Workshop]] --- Advice to future hosts = People = The most up-to date list of Sage developers is on our [[https://www.sagemath.org/development-map.html|Sage developer map]] Some people still maintain their [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/CategoryHomepage|wiki homepages]]. <> = Mailing Lists / Chat Rooms = The main active mailing lists are [[https://groups.google.com/group/sage-support|sage-support]], [[https://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel|sage-devel]], [[https://groups.google.com/group/sage-release|sage-release]]; see [[https://www.sagemath.org/development-groups.html |complete list of lists]]. [[https://zulip.sagemath.org | Zulip]] group chat server for realtime collaboration on Sage (like Slack). Fairly low-activity. !SageMath has a presence on some [[Social Networks]]. = Development = !SageMath development has moved to our [[https://github.com/sagemath/sage|GitHub repository sagemath/sage]]. Release notes (higher level than change logs) are collaboratively prepared at [[ReleaseTours]]. = Special Discussion Pages = * [[Coding_Theory|Coding Theory in Sage]] * [[Python3-compatible code|Writing Python 3 compatible code]] * [[OptiPolyGeom|Optimization and Polyhedral Geometry in Sage]] = Features and Packages = * [[http://www.sagemath.org/tour.html|sagemath.org: SageMath Feature Tour]] * [[SageMathExternalPackages|Packages included with SageMath and external packages]] * [[Interfaces|Sage wiki: SageMath interfaces to and from other software]] == Demonstrations of Graphical Capabilities == * [[art|Art - posters, banners, etc]] * [[interact|Interact Demos]] * [[interactive|Interactive Visualization]] * [[K3D-tools|K3D-jupyter 3D visualisation in jupyter notebook]] = About this wiki = '''Editing the wiki.''' Page editing uses the MoinMoin syntax. To edit the wiki, you will need a log in using your legacy sage-trac account; a !GitHub account cannot be used for this. Since it ''is'' a wiki, pages should be made to last over many, and frequent, changes. If an external link is made, please attach relevant files/content to avoid broken links. If you edit an existing page with a long history, a key question is: "If someone opens this page tomorrow, will they be able to tell which information is current and which is outdated?" Edit accordingly. '''SageWiki maintenance.''' The [[SageWikiMaintenance page]] attempts to reorganize the wiki, which has accumulated many outdated pages. [[https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/33725|Pages related to development are being transferred to the Sage Wiki on GitHub or merged in our developer guide.]] '''License and Copyright.''' Contributions to the [[https://www.sagemath.org/|Sage]] wiki and to the [[https://doc.sagemath.org|Sage documentation]] are licensed under the [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA license]]. By contributing, you agree to place your contribution under that license.