Differences between revisions 19 and 20
Revision 19 as of 2022-04-06 02:41:54
Size: 2788
Editor: mkoeppe
Revision 20 as of 2022-04-06 02:42:41
Size: 2796
Editor: mkoeppe
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 51: Line 51:
- Sage already provides editor configuration for Emacs, using the file  * Sage already provides an editor configuration for Emacs, using the file
Line 56: Line 56:
- which-function-mode: this minor mode displays in the status bar the
  name of the class or function being edited. This is a life saver for
  code with nested classes, and in particular category code.
 * which-function-mode: this minor mode displays in the status bar the
   name of the class or function being edited. This is a life saver for
   code with nested classes, and in particular category code.
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  Setup: M-x customize-variable which-function-mode   Setup: M-x customize-variable which-function-mode


Sage and Emacs

The purpose of this page is to collect tips and tricks for Sage users and developers using the text editor Emacs as an IDE.


sage-shell-mode is the recommended mode for Sage in Emacs. This mode provides two features:

1. Run a Sage shell inside Emacs, fully equipped with command history, completion, dynamic help and opening of source files, etc.

2. A major mode for .sage files along with functionality for sending chunks of code to a running Sage shell.

sage-shell-mode allows extensions for auto-complete, helm, anything, and embedding in org-mode. It was written from scratch by Sho Takemori.

sage-shell-mode is most easily installed using the Emacs package manager MELPA. Alternatively, go to the GitHub page.

See: SageModeComparison, https://github.com/stakemori/sage-shell-mode


- See 2020 blog post: Martin Albrecht: Conda, Jupyter and Emacs

EIN: IPython notebook client in Emacs


This is currently non functional due to an incompatibility with the ipython shipped with Sage. Yet this sounds promising. See:

- https://github.com/tkf/emacs-ipython-notebook/issues/131 - http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/16053


Note: sage-mode works only for Sage 7.3 and earlier.

This emacs mode allows for running a Sage interpreter inside emacs, and interacting with it sending in chunks of code or doctests, directly opening the appropriate source files from the help, the debugger or the tracebacks. It also provides goodies for running tests, typesetting output, etc.

See: SageModeComparison, sage-mode, http://bitbucket.org/gvol/sage-mode


  • Sage already provides an editor configuration for Emacs, using the file

.dir-locals.el, to use spaces instead of tabs. To avoid introducing trailing whitespace, see https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/DeletingWhitespace for various solutions.

  • which-function-mode: this minor mode displays in the status bar the
    • name of the class or function being edited. This is a life saver for code with nested classes, and in particular category code. Setup: M-x customize-variable which-function-mode

See also

- 2010 blog post on customizing emacs for Python

Emacs (last edited 2023-02-23 20:10:56 by mkoeppe)